Saturday 28 January 2023


Moving forward, i have come to an acceptance for everything. It is alright to keep falling & crying. It may be tiring. But i believe in this - Tawakkul. We enter people's lives as  a form of blessing. Maybe our existence is to give light, support, repentance and all the good things. But we often realise that we got the bad instead of being nice. Fret not, Allah is saving you for the best, He lets you go through hardship because He knows you are strong. At the end of it, a reward shall be given for being patient. It may not be rewarded in this Dunya but In shaa Allah in the Hereafter. Healing is a long process i believe. But putting effort into healing is a true fighter who wants to let go of the past and be better for the future. May Allah ease all of our affairs and bless all of us in forms of happiness & Rizq. ❤️



Saturday 21 January 2023

Dengue took away my rainbow baby

 Dear Diary, 

I have kept it from everyone with regards to my pregnancy. December 14th, was the date I did a test on the HCG that I bought from Watson. I felt super tired despite having enough ample of sleep. Nauseous, vomiting & craving for sugary food. I took the test on the morning of December 14th and the result were positive. I was very unsure as i had the Mirena in my womb so it is unlikely to be pregnant. December 25th, i did a check again and it still came out positive. 

My gynae appointment is a month away. I didnt know what went into my head but abortion is strictly out of the list. I had massive panic anxiety attacks, crying every night & thinking how could i even raise a child on my own. Am I capable enough? 

It took me 2 weeks to finally get on my feet & tell myself, " Syima, you are gonna be a mom. Even if it takes for you to raise your child single hand, you can do it. I lead my life as per usual. Had always been feeling lethargic, hungry & emotional. 

Now i know why Chloe had always head bumping her head towards my tummy and had always been so closed to me. She was protecting her little brother/sister. I have been keeping a lot from people lately. I deactivated every social media, trying to heal & accepting the fact it is what it is. 

January, I was counting down to the days that i am going to visit the gynae. Praying that my baby will be fine & the Mirena is safe to be pulled out without affecting my baby. Everyday i did Dzikir to my baby "subhanallah walhamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah wa allahu akbar" while pating Chloe to sleep as well. 

17th January, the day i had fever flu like symptom. Went to A&E and totally forgot that i was pregnant as i was worried for my fever. Went home & slept like a log. My fever reached at its peak of 42 degrees. Was so weak that i can even get up to go to the toilet. Exactly at midnight, i had a severe cramp on my lower abdomen. It was even worst than the period cramp. My thoughts were like "ya i didnt poop the whole day that was why it trigger. I went to the toilet slowly and blood gushing through my thighs. I only realize it when i was in the toilet. There i knew. I lost my baby. There was a sudden urge of something pushing out from my womb and there was my baby. Such a tiny flesh with full of blood. I cried in the toilet for hours. 

I had on and off high fever till last night on the 20th Jan, that was the worst fever i had. My head was spinning non stop & vomited on and on. Drank the water that my grandmother gave me to help with my immune and i broke into cold sweat & shivering. Fall asleep at 3 am. 

I woke up this morning feeling a bit better but still recovering from my flu & cough and also the lost of my baby. I do not know how many months old it was in my womb neither its gender. But in my religion, if a child was lost due to miscarriage without knowing its gender, it should be named as a male. I named him Cassius Ali, the name that the father wanted to name if we have a son in the future which is unlikely to happen too. 

I accept the lost. Even if i had lost him in this world, Allah knows the best. May we be reunited in Jannah my Love. Thank you for letting me feel how it is like to have a soul in my womb. I see you on the other side, Cassius Ali. 



Saturday 14 January 2023

Taking a break

Dear Diary, 

It has been a week since i deactivated all my social media networks. I do believe that social networks affected my mental health progression. I would always pass by sad quotes and such. 

Been isolating myself not for negativity but more on healing. They asked me "you missed him right?". I said Yes i do. A lot. But i know he was not meant for me. He wasn't ready for me. If he was, it would be the other way round. I am happy that he is happy now. He finally gets to reunite with Groot - the love of his life. His happiness was my happiness too. Although i am no longer with him & i have cut contacts. 

I don't need any closure. I found the answer myself. If he was meant to be mine, he will be. But i know Allah is saving me from hurting myself further. The only pain now was missing him badly. It is indeed hard but i shall pull through it. Like how my exes used to say to me including him,  "You are too good for me, I don't deserve you". Never once has anyone said "you were the one for me. Where have you been?" I was too dumb back then to give it another try as all i needed was love. Being in love and receiving love. But it's alright. It may take months or years to heal from all these. I know it's hard but i know i can. 

School is finally starting and i am so going to be busy with studies and assignments. Kinda sad that it is gonna be on home base learning but the better side of it, I don't need to waste time travelling to and fro. 

I just love being all alone. So calm. So peaceful. There were a few episodes that i broke down and cried myself to work. There were a few episodes that i dreamt of him being with someone else or reconciling back with Dash. I don't know if it was a sign or it was just a dream. He could get anyone though, i believe. Good for him. 

Started reading back all the books about Allah, Rasullulah & the Holy Quran. Just bought another 2 books, 1 was the history of all The Prophets & the other book is The real deep story about each verse of The Quran. 

Cant wait for the books to arrive and to start school. Looking forward to a happy 2023 🫰



Tuesday 10 January 2023

Happy Birthday My Baby Love ♥️

Dear Diary,
 I still remember today's date in 2021. Allah's greatest gift. The one whom i seek comfort to and the one who keeps me calm whenever i am down. So much of connection and chemistry that i can imagine having a life without you. 

Had always been looking forward to come home to you, pat you to sleep and recite zikir to you before you close your eyes. 

Happy Birthday Mummy's little angel. 


To A Great New Start

Dear Diary,  This will be the last post for this blog. Finally i had the strength to let go of the last strain of my traumas, unlock the las...