Tuesday 9 August 2022

Let it just be me & Allah swt.

Dear Diary, 

I have shown a lot of Love towards others and i do expect to be return the same. At times, i do have a strong beliefs of why Allah let me give that much of Love to every wrong person i have met. The trust i had for each one of them & the hope i had for each one of them. 

Today, i realised 1 thing. I should have love myself & Allah more. I should trust in Allah more & i should have put the HOPE in Allah instead of humans. While praying for Isyak, i felt calm. All i prayed for was to be forgiven, to be closer to Allah, to heal & to be happy and grateful for what i am & what i have. 

People come & people leave. But why did i cry for all who abandon me ? Who outcasted me ? Whereas Allah is there. I could have just talk to him during prayers. Which i did. I prayed for peace, calmness & cure to this heart that was broken by humans. 

For now, the trust in humans are restricted. I hsve set a mindset of i can hear what they said, they promised and whatsoever, but trust is limited. 
Hope, the only hope i have is in Allah. Whatever journey he has written for me, i had hope that He has written a nice ending for me. Hoping that i would be forgiven. Hoping that the journey i will be going through in the future will be granted ease despite every hurdles. 

Love. For now, lets love myself more. Put myself 1st and heal. If the right person has been written for me in the future, in shaa Allah it will be. 

"and will provide him sustenance from whence he never even imagined. Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He shall suffice him. Surely Allah brings about what He decrees; Allah has set a measure for everything"
-Surah Talaq 65:3

Xoxo ♥️

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