Friday 30 September 2022

Empty Soul

Dear Diary, 

I am dying inside. As much as I portray myself being fine or being okay, deep inside i am numb. I am no longer sad. I am no longer feeling hurt. Just numb. But i fought  it through. I like wearing a suit and a mask. Showing people that i am alright. But when i got home, i revealed my darkest self. So empty so numb and low. 

It is not about being lonely. It is not about forgiving. It is not about healing. It is so empty. What is love ? I don't know. I don't know what it is like to be receiving love. I doubt myself. Is this for real ? Is he the one ? Is he gonna hurt me badly one day ? 

I am so lost. As much as this feeling i get from, i just do not want to have a fear of loving a person so deeply and getting myself hurt deeply in the end. 

I do not want to go through that phase anymore. Sleepless nights. Lose of appetite. Crying non-stop. So low and keep thinking of suicidal thoughts. I wished i could end my life. End my misery. 

They kept saying - i am too good. They don't deserve me. But why do they never choose to let me go ? I don't know. I am not sad. No longer sad. Because i have yet to be with someone who will say "i am so lucky to have you in my life. I deserve you for the rest of my life.". But never. Never in my life for now. 

I am no longer searching for answers. If it is meant to be, it will be. Yes it is empty - still. But let it stay that way. One day the emptiness will be filled. With full of love that i deserve and the happiness i deserve - with someone who i am going to spend the rest of my life with. 

Till death do us apart 



Tuesday 27 September 2022

Once Upon A Time, which only happens in Fairytale

Dear Diary, 

It saddens me to see others celebrating their anniversaries, their partner always takes pictures of their partner & posts it on their social media on how much they love their partner and how much their partner meant to them. I am not jealous. But i had never felt that kind of treatment from the people i had loved before. Be it my ex boyfriends or my ex husband. It was always me who posted about them. Showing to the world how much this person meant in my life but they didn't when it comes to me. I was often being called childish for being that way. 

I had a lot of wishes to do with my partner. A lot. But somehow I didn't get to do it. Taking crazy pictures together. At a photobooth. I really wanna do that. Going to a funfair and winning a unicorn plushy ! Date nights, sitting by the beach at night and admiring the sky above and also
- to grow old with you 
- having you beside me when im off to sleep and i wake up 
- date nights with dinner, chilling by the sea and back home for a passionate love making 👅👅
- surprise fetch with flowers 
- to be successful together 
- have our own home 
- go out for different activities together
- travel around the world together
- loving me more everyday 
- feed me with healthy food everyday 
- pat me to sleep every night 
- play board / card games together 
- movie night together 
- to have a family with you together with a mini Nala & a mini Simba

Sometimes i felt wishes are only granted in fairytales. I had wished a lot for all the above to happen which had never happened before in my life.  It had always been me. The one who made effort. The one who kept reminding what i want and what i liked. But it did not happen.  I wouldnt want the same thing to happen again. I had wished and wanted a person who loves me dearly and who would make all my wishes come through. Till then, my point of view in terms of wishes is only granted in fairytales. 



Friday 16 September 2022

Follow up visit with the psychiatrist

Dear Diary,

I had my 1st appointment with the psychiatrist today. The day that i thought I was getting better. I wasnt. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. I felt like a rock bottom. 

I told my dad, my step mother about it. They only responded like it was a small issue. I kept quiet. I didn't wanna add any further. I knew it was gonna hurt me. 

The doctor doubled up my dose on the anti depressant and gave me sleeping pills. Hopefully i could sleep better at night. 

I went to get brunch with my grandmother and I didn't finish the bowl of mee rebus. Went to sheng siong to get eggs, bread & some veggie to cook for lunch to bring to work tomorrow. 

I reached home and saw the state of the kitchen. It was a mess. But i am exhausted. I felt tired. To even clean the kitchen, to prep the ingredients to cook and even to read the books that i have bought. 

All i did was to sleep. Stuck myself inside my room. Woke up to pee and sleep again. That was what i have been doing all day today. Changed my bedsheets & washed all of my clothes. 

My grandmother asked "why is this clinic so different". I replied "this clinic is for people who have mental sickness". She kept quiet. The way she approached me the whole day today was a bit different. 

She made my favourite tea and knowing I couldn't eat crabs, she fried a black pomfret with sweet & sour sauce. Told her I don't feel like eating. She said "i have already cooked. You better eat". I did. Forced myself to finish the plate. I felt nauseated. I hold it in. I didn't want to puke it out. 

I showered. I kept showering the whole day and prayed. I dont know why but i feel numb. So numb, so low that I can't afford to do the things i always did. All i could do is sleep and sleep.

Praying to be better. My closest ones mentioned "i want my Syima back. I want my Ah Yong back. I want my Nyah back. I want my kakak back". I missed myself too. I really do.



Tuesday 13 September 2022

A letter to Abdullah

Dear Abdullah, 

If only you could see things out of the box & think rationally without so much emotion. If only you could literally let go of all your past relationships done to you, things would not turn out this way. 

Slandering all kinds of bullshit about me whereas we are no longer together, pint pointing to the things that I didn't do and assuming things without evidence really took a toll on my mental health. 

Do know that because of you, I am almost there to jump down from the kitchen window. I tried to be patient with your attitude, your temper, your insecurities, your doubts & you not trusting me whenever i am out alone or when i am with my friends.

All of this really made my emotions down to the point that i felt it is useless to fight for any relationship in life. All you think of is to get married. But have you taken a good look in the mirror of yourself ? Your attitude ? Being possessive is damn suffocating. Your temper. 

No matter how hard i tried to convince you, your mind is still full of crap. 

I forgive you, for all the words that you have said, for all the things that you have done to me. The rest i leave it to Allah swt. 

You were not meant for me and i am not meant for you. If only things could be taken 1 step at a time, things would definitely be at a better perspective. It will be beautiful. 

Until you fix your mindset, emotion, trust, insecurities & stop thinking of things that did not happen, you would not be settling down for good. 

I did my best to work back then. It was always me who does all the work to fix everything. 

Thank you for everything that you have done to me. Thank you for all the hurt and damage that you have caused. May Allah bless you. 



Monday 12 September 2022

A self reflection, a road to recovery

Dear Diary, 

Today i realised that i have been in a lot of toxic relationships throughout my whole entire life. I had always been a giver and never once a receiver. All along they only needed me but never wanted me for sure. 

I had given all my love in my past relationships and marriage but never i felt that kind of love i have been giving before. Till i feel empty. I do not know how to differentiate what it is like to be in love again. Without having doubts or being skeptical. I had always been a positive human through all past relationships. It was always me who does the job, who fixes and fights to save the relationship. 

To a point where i do not know in my upcoming relationship, will i ever have the strength to fight and fix my upcoming relationship whenever i have problems.  After all of this happens, i am starting to have doubts in relationships. Will i be happy ? Will it be a fair relationship ? The 50/50 rule. How am i going to react? 

Honestly i do not want to hurt anybody nor do i want to be hurt too. I don't want to make anyone a rebound nor do I want to be a rebound to anyone.

I should really heal. Practice self love, compassion, give myself space & time to appreciate my own me time. I had always been there for anyone who was important to me. 

Right now, i really drew a think line. Creating boundaries & being distance to all of them that never understood me at all. 

I prayed for peace & calm. To heal and be happy once again. I am slowly letting go of what was not meant to be fine and all the trauma that had made an impact in my mental health. 

I have forgiven everyone. I forgave myself. Now is the time to love myself better and heal from all the wounds. 

May one day, true love will come without me seeking. That will be the greatest relationship and marriage i am going to have till death do us apart. In shaa Allah warasul 



Saturday 10 September 2022


Dear Diary, 

I had an impromptu meet up with Naqiah just now. (Forever impromotu but it had always been the best). Received a text & a missed call from her and i was like "this is so different. Maybe she had a problem."

I called her back and i asked "do you want to meet me & talk?". She agreed. Met her at Marsiling Park Teh Tarik Cartel. Had Satay and talked over dinner. 

It's been awhile since we caught up and just now it was indeed a fruitful one. We shared a lot of what has been  happening in our life. Exchange feedback & suggestion and be of each other's listening ears. 

We sat on the swing, looked into the sky and sang our favourite songs. Gosh. It was so peaceful. So calm. It has been a long time since I had felt that kind of calmness after years. The vibe. The company. It was just so right. We shared a lot without being judged or penalized. 

She asked me. What do you look into your partner or future husband. I said "everything but most importantly, I don't have to worry about his whereabouts. I will never feel worried and lastly - i feel so much peace & calm be it i am near or far. 

Being loyal, honest, having trust & good communication are the pillars to sustain a good relationship & marriage. Which is strong enough to hold LOVE. But having that peace & calm from a person is the best feeling that I have always wanted. The happiness from the peace and calm will somehow show the glow on your face that you are happy with the current person you are with. 

I had never felt that for a very long time. I only felt that once. So calm. So peaceful & so much love. I really miss that.

I began to appreciate peace. I appreciate being alone. Not because i am lonely. I never felt lonely. But being alone gave me calmness & peace. Which i have yet to receive from anyone. But one day, Allah will bring that person to me. Not now maybe later. Tawakkul. Believe in his plans. 



I dont give a fuck anymore

Dear Diary, 

I am not mad nor am i pissed. But at times i just felt whatever I did, i am being judged. Is it wrong to spread awareness ? But i was being called an attention seeker.

Do they know the difference between attention seekers and wanting to be heard ? Do they know that not all humans have good iman and faith ? Do they know that we humans are not perfect ? 

I have drawn a line, set boundaries and eliminated all toxicity & negativity that i had received from others. I kept my circles small and went through my days as per normal. Finding happiness, finding peace & finding the thing that fit this empty space in me. It may not be a person, a thing or whatsoever. I dont know. I am still searching. 

I am exhausted. I am tired. I just want to keep on going with my life happily. I was not born to please anyone. 

If you care, you will. If you dont, just please shut up. Thank you. 



Friday 9 September 2022

Save Me

Dear Diary,

At 1 moment i am feeling okay. At another i am not. I dont what to feel. So numb with myself lately whenever i am alone. 

I have yet to sleep well these pass few days. Mostly are a few hours. I tried hard to sleep despite work was busy. 

Is it love i am looking for all along ? How do i know and recognize when i someone is madly in love with me ? 

I only doubt myself. Will there be anyone who loves me wholeheartedly and sincerely ? Who wants me and accept me for who i am ? Not for what i have, not for the miserable life i have, not for lust amd not because they were lonely. 

I wanted a happy marriage. With someone i could look up to. Someone who is an inspiration to make me go better. Someone who could guide me to be a better human. Someone who never fail to show love in all forms. 

Maybe the time has yet to come. Maybe not. I was often told to love myself more. But how do i even when i dont have enough for myself. 

People dont understand the way i show love. Its more of receiving and giving. You gave me your love, i gave you mine and vice versa. 

Maybe i wont get that much love in this dunya. Maybe in Jannah In shaa Allah. I am no longer crying. I am just exhausted. Exhausted of feeling empty. I felt empty each time i am alone. I dont know why but i really feel empty. 

Love, where are you ? Are you reaching soon ? I have been yearning for you. For the last time - till death do us apart 


Tuesday 6 September 2022

A blissful marriage


Dear Diary, 

As day passes by, i knew certain people & their relationship were on rock bottom, i somehow felt a fear to get married for the last time. 

I don't know if i could for see my myself in another marriage. How am i able to sustain a good marriage ? Or maybe i have never felt the real kinda love before this. I really dont know. I agree, all relationship has their ups & downs. It is a matter of how both party tackle the issue. 

As for myself, i use to react and make decision with emotions. I was constantly reminded " DONT FOLLOW EMOTIONS, IT WILL DESTROY YOU". I chose not to. But when i react or make decisions with logic, i am being told that i do not have nay empathy or i didnt put myself at anyone's shoes. Hard isnt it to please people. I know. But who is going to please me? 

I dont worry about the future at all. But i am well prepared. It is just that, am i able to go through hurdles & hurricane of marriage again? With the right person? I dont really know. I leave it to the above. I am sure when the time is right, i will know the answer. For now, i could only pray, to be married with someone who loves me more, who shows me love, who shows me how a person love someone deeply. To show me & teach how to tackle issues with life & emotions. 

Honestly, i could tackle problems & issues at work but never been about life. Nobody's perfect right ? Yeah. But hopefully i will be gifted with that person. My person, the male version of me & a person who is gonna love me endlessly. A person who i can have that connection till last breath. 

Nobody wants a broken marriage. If i were to get married this time, he is going to be last, my life & my death. My ride & die. My strength & weakness. 



Monday 5 September 2022

Happy Birthday Ya Ummi ❤️

Dear Diary, 

Today is my Ummi's birthday. I thank Allah for bringing her into my life. 

I had never imagine of having a stepmother who treats me like her own daughter. "No. You are not my step daughter. You are my daughter." That is the sentence you had always mentioned. 

I know you love me a lot. I know you cared. But as a person, i just do not know how to let it out whenever i am facing hardship with my family members.

Thank you to the panda rider, his name is Kavi. For singing a birthday song for Ummi. (He is such a cutie 🥰🥰🥰). 

Happy Birthday my love. May Allah bless you in all forms of Rizq & Health. Will always keep you in my prayers. 



Sunday 4 September 2022

Am i still drowning ?

Dear Diary, 

I don't know why. Why do i still feel like i am drowning. Sometimes i am fine and sometimes i am low as hell. It is suffocating to be at this stage right now. 

I can't brush it off because it will affect me again in the future. Many told me, "it is alright. Even if it takes for you to be alone to be happy, carry on. Let what others think of you." But being a family oriented person, it is hard. 

I do love my family. I went through a lot. Be it financially, physically & emotionally - i was always there. Even if it is not my responsibility, i still did it. For the sake of my family. The people whom i love. 

I didn't get much love back then. I gave all i had to get love. To feel love. But when i am being told, "you need to love yourself 1st". How do i even when i am already empty ? 

I do not know how the hell I am supposed to get it out of my brain. It hurts. To see & to think about it. Being nice makes you feel like trash at the end of the day. 

I am eagerly looking forward to healing. To shine once again and be happy. I really do. I am truthfully exhausted in and out. 

Suicidal thoughts have been running into my mind a lot. This afternoon i had the thought too. I fought it hard. I really did. I can't cry anymore. I am exhausted. I really am. 

For once can i just end my life ? So that i would not feel anymore pain ? I am really battling with my inner demon. I am really controlling the urge to kill myself. I really do. 



Friday 2 September 2022

Shut myself up

Dear Diary, 

At the end of this, i am exhausted trying to explain what i felt within. It seems like whenever i am trying to let it out, it is either i am being corrected for feeling that way. It is as if i am wrong. Or the way i express what i felt or what i wanted was not right. 

I would no longer want to tell what i feel or what i wanted. It is exhausting. To make others understand. It is alright. I shall keep it to myself. Maybe that is the best. I wont hurt others and i expect less from them too. 

I just wanna be happy and free. Mentally & Emotionally. 



Happy Birthday Blake ❤️

Happy Birthday Blake Ricciuto !
The friendly player from Tanjong Pagar United FC i had ever known. 

Been missing a few of their matches already. But itsokay. Hopefully gotta watch the match soon. 

Been missing doing a lot of things anyway. Looking forward to AFF Mitsubishi Electric Cup this year. 



Thursday 1 September 2022

Trying. Keep on trying.

Dear Diary, 

I woke up crying again. My family is going on a fishing trip tomorrow and didn't even bother to text me if I wanted to tag along. Even if i work on a saturday, they could plan on a Sunday or something right ? 

It is not about being petty. But remembering your other family members too. But yeah. I had always been outcasted. Be it in the family, friends or relationships. I am only needed in desperate times. 

I guess i would just have to hustle alone. All alone. Heal alone. Get back on track alone. If no one could give the support, the motivation, the attention & the love i have needed, it is alright. We all die alone anyway. 

By showing much love, affection, care, concern & attention will end up getting me hurt even more, i would rather not do it again. 

The people i love mentioned that they don't deserve me & i am too good for them. I shall just lead my own life alone. Till one day, a person comes into my life that would give me all that i had given to others who don't appreciate me and say that "i found the one, which is you - my perfect fit for a lifetime" 

Till then, i shall go on with life with this wound and heal as much as I can. I want to love myself, prioritize myself and do everything on my own. 

I had never been selfish. It's hard for me to be one. But i have to. For the sake of my own happiness. 

I know it is gonna be hard but i shall push myself. I want to be happy. One day, i shall feel love by someone, who is gonna love me wholeheartedly and accept me for who i really am. 

Trying. Keep on trying Syima. You will heal. You will get better. You will be loved. 


I give up

Dear Diary, 

September has just started. I felt down. Is it just wrong to be the way i am ? My heart has always been full. The love and care i always had for people. 

What can i even do if i was born to love people ? To give what i have. To share what i have. Why am i being told to be this or to be that but this is the way i show love ? The way i show care ?

Why can't people just appreciate me ? Why was no one ever said that i am the perfect fit for them instead of i am too good for them and they don't deserve me ? What was not enough ? 

Why when i left then they will realise ? Why when i stay, they keep on hurting me ? What was not enough ? 

I had never been choosy. Regardless of size, looks, age, race or religion. But why do i even get hurt in the end ? 

I really want to heal. I really want to get out of this misery. I had enough of being hurt. I had enough of crying & being sad for years. 

Being nice has always gotten me into trouble, God please just take me away. Take me away from who doesn't deserve me. Take me away from this heartless world. 

I really gave up. I gave up with everything. This world is just too cruel. 😭

To A Great New Start

Dear Diary,  This will be the last post for this blog. Finally i had the strength to let go of the last strain of my traumas, unlock the las...